Speech Department
Speech-Language Pathology Department
Welcome to the O'Fallon District 90 Speech-Language Pathology page.
For more information, please contact your child's building office staff to be connected with the appropriate speech-language pathologist or e-mail one of the therapists below.
Carriel Jr. High
- Emily Pollman - epollman@of90.net
Fulton Jr. High
- Phebe Reifschneider - preifschneider@of90.net
- Kayla Waterman - kwaterman@of90.net
Evans Elementary
- Emily Pollman - epollman@of90.net
- Lauren Schiefer - lschiefer@of90.net
Hinchcliffe Elementary
- Sheri Kraus - skraus@of90.net
- Erin Logsdon - elogsdon@of90.net
Kampmeyer Elementary
- Lindsay Manfield - lmansfield@of90.net
- Johanna Roustio - jroustio@of90.net
Moye Elementary
- Sanna Calhoun - scalhoun@of90.net
- Mindi Kunz - mkunz@of90.net
- Erin Matos - ematos@of90.net
- Chloe North - cnorth@of90.net
- Kayla Waterman - kwaterman@of90.net
Schaefer Elementary
- Amy Porter - aporter@of90.net
- Kathy Wolf - kwolf@of90.net
- Phebe Reifschneider - preifschneider@of90.net
Below are links to social language resources:
Social Language Services Guide
Comic Book Club Newsletter info
Teach and Learn Club Newsletter info